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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Carmen's Curse has been Broken

Theres an eery aura around the name Carmen that at one time made me want to abandon my name. All while growing up I would wonder why I always felt as if I had a black cloud over my head. Everything I'd ever worked hard to achieve just never panned out. It was one thing after another. In the midst of these trials I googled my name and the results showed me that not only did I feel cursed but somehow the world felt the name Carmen needed to be conjoined with "curse".

How creepy is that??!! It's so famous they made a dance to it!
It doesn't make having the name any easier or delightful. Yet, it is a name my grandmother and great grandmother share with me, so instead of shedding the name, I felt I needed to find a way to shed the curse and gratefully it's been broken.

It wasn't until I found a voodoo doll in my yard one year that had inflicted injuries in the area in which my body recently began hurting that I realized this is more than just a feeling. It not only freaked me out. It made me quite confused. Instead of tackling the problem with a rational mind, I acted out in a manner, not so ladylike. But, what would you do if you found a doll that made you believe someone was intentionally trying to harm you? 

My decision to start this blog is solely off of my own experience with Carmen's Curse. This experience caused many situations to culminate in my life. But it also put me in the place I am today. This is why my name is accompanied by "place" and not "curse". There is no place for a curse in my life and there isn't in yours either. But before I go rushing all off into this subject matter I would like to know that I will have a set of reading people who are not only interesting in curses as well as hexes but that are also interesting in learning how to break them. 

Would you help me out and tell me if you have ever had a thought of curses or being hexed? Ever feel like a "black cloud" is looming over your head and you simply can't do anything about it? Tell me your stories if so and if you don't think curses are real tell me why, please!?

Hit subscribe and like too if you are interesting in knowing more. This will be a great place for people to learn how to change their own destiny by simply understanding basic laws and principles that cause negative energy to affect daily life, relationships, and even health.


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