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Friday, November 11, 2016

Look on Obama's face said it all!

In an interview with Matt Lauer President Obama says Trump would in no way be elected President. In a subsequent interview he's asked to elaborate. His response: "He had faith in the American People" to essentially not put, the newly elected President, in office! 

Winning under half of them votes but still claiming the seat? Even Russia's President, Vladimir Putin, gave a 30 min speech over Donald Trump's (already claimed) victory. 

It would appear the American people failed his ideology of who we are. Heck, It's nothing less than what he has done for us. 

So let's focus on electoral vote. Or can we? Hilary was said to have conceded right? Doesn't that mean the race is over? 

So lady's and gent's welcome to 11/9 election results.

Or can I just jump the gun like that? Here's an article articulating further. 

The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days 

 Next few weeks are going to be interesting. Or will the US be the same then? 

Your probably thinking that was an off the wall comment. Trust I wish it was. But, it's not!!  

Civil unrest is the agenda we are already targeted and hit victims. 

Let's just think for a second...

Is date alone 11/9 & 9/11 a little spooky? 
Or is that just me? 

No, make no mistake about it. Numbers are a big part of how our universe operates. All way down to our very own lives. What would we do if we didn't have a set time of day? Numerology, constellations, and even the book of Enoch speaks on numbers! I hope to one day have a small e-book on this! 

Wow! What a time to be alive! 

If there's any questions hit  Question Me button. Also, if you have a prayer request! 
I like hearing what people think. Feel free to do so in comment section.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

REPOST Hashtag #stayvigilant : Who makes decisions for your body? The government or You?

When my first son arrived I was joyful as all get out! Carefully ensuring my babies needs were always met. One of those needs; Vaccinations. My doctors joyfully told me how the benefits out-weighed the negatives and I believed it. So faithfully I took him and never missed one.  But, three kids and multiple shots later, I found out a sick but absolute truth. Of course, I 'd had to do a lot of research and didn't believe everything I'd heard. But, I knew their was something that didn't add up, and eventually it was confirmed.

Certified Doctor's may or may not know. {Sometimes I wonder} because I'm no rocket scientist but I eventually figured it out. Heck, I'm not even slightly intelligent. But, you don't need to be. Finding out (what I wish I had known before I allowed my children to be one of millions of victims) is easy if you take the time and do the research.

The video above gives startling facts that's been compiled to show the overall agenda (with logical reasoning) as to why our doctors have more than likely been taught to automatically believe in this corrupt system.

My desire to learn likely started when a co-worker had gotten a flu shot and complained of feeling a little ill that evening at work. The next day I was ill. I had the flu worse than ever in the past. Worse than anyone else I'd ever known to as well. Taking weeks to get over it I couldnt help but to think it came from her getting that shot. Years later on Conspiracy theories with Jessie Ventura I'd heard getting the shot spreads the virus faster. Making people think getting the shot will prevent them from getting the virus. What I had heard only confirmed my fears of having given my children something that could cause them harm.

Did you know that on the first day of life a baby is given a Hepshot treated with Thymerisol as a preservative which is not safe to give to anyone under 275 pounds? Yes, you heard correctly.

Mercury causes brain damage! But is injected into the body with our Dr. approved and promoted vaccines. One in every One hundred and sixty six kids live with Autism. The number has dramatically increased since the 80s. However, no real studies evaluate this disability, in times before. Why is this? Many would argue testing wasn't able to identify this disease till that era.

However, that poses another dilemna in my thinking process, if technology has improved how come disease's are more prevalent and how do new ones keep forming? My questioning has yet to cease and neither have hours of research I have put into finding out these ugly truth's.

Being a skeptic does have it's downfalls but it beats living in the dark. Truth is if one believes everything their told, without looking into it, then you are not in control of your body! Just as Jesse Ventura says. I pray you take necessary time needed to make an educated decision when it comes to you and your loved ones healthcare.
Check out the video links I've included to help you in making a uniformed and educated decision. One that keeps you in control of the health of your body!

Above: Jesse Ventura's outlook
Below: The video I originally seen on regular programming that disappeared for years after. Only to resurface at different times (in video's such as this) that all eventually get taken down.